Thursday 20 September 2012

Collaborative Practice #2

Focusing on the comments made last week, I tried to focus on the change in work style and so i developed my work towards the brief we were given this week, we again did a group discussion  on each others work and i gathered two comments on my work.

  1. Abels work has come along nicely, he had worked very hard on developing his typography and has played around with colour more so than his previous brief.
  2. Abel has developed his work, more so this week, however for the upcoming brief, he will have to develop his work and think of some very creative ideas as this will require working in the third dimension. Abel could add the colours he has found affective and used them in the correct way.
This upcoming brief I am seeing as a bit of a challenge, however, I will try to work on it and develop an affective 3D image. 

Collaborative Practice #1

I ran through my project development with 4 of my peers and i gather 2 viewpoints that will allow me to develop my work to work correctly and appeal to a wider audience. 

  1. The work has a large variety of style and the proportion works well throughout the development, he just needs to add more colour to his work and develop and discover which colours work best with his work. 
  2. His work is all very good, if we were focusing on typography, however, he needs to work more so on scale and proportion as his work shows a lot of styles that all have equal height and width and so the work may need to be developed overtime.
I will use these comments to work more so on future projects so that I can get the correct typography, style and colours that appeal to a wide audience. 

Friday 14 September 2012

Jakub Caja - Inspirational Artists - Project Fonetic

(Click Images For Enlargement)

I decided to look at the Fonetic project by Jakub Caja as it was appropriate to my store name (being 'Decibel') and so I toyed with the idea of adding sound waves into the logo/font style or as a small logo to my store and an iconic image to reference the store with