Monday 2 July 2012

Music Shop Brief

Designing and Advertising A Music Shop

My aim through this project will be to design a music store to make it more appealing to the public. To do this I will need and name for the store as well as a well-designed logo, packaging and a website for easier online access.

My main focus skill will be in digital design as it allows me to explore a large amount of designs through a media which can be easily edited to appear more developed, however I will include a practical side to the project as I would like to work on this skill and develop it to an extent that I feel confident about. I have previously produced a lot of digital work in previous projects and self allocated projects and so I think this is a strength I could use to my advantage. I am looking forward to exploring many different logo names and designs. In previous projects, my packaging designs have all been very appealing to the target audience however, they have not been successfully built so I would like to develop this skill and perfect it.

My designs will be aimed at a wide audience of anyone who can play an instrument. This will affect my design choices as some people are more skilled at certain instruments than others and so some piano sheet music symbols may not be relevant to guitar players. Also, I wanted to include a musical term in the store name (such as encore) but some may not be recognisable.

I am going to obtain both primary and secondary research and use them to develop my ideas and use them to limit my designs. The logo can’t be too big and take up too much space on the front of the store but also can’t be too small so that people will pass it by without really acknowledging it. I am also going to use The Behance Network for packaging and advertising research, as lots of graphic designers will use this to display their work and show off all their designs and hopefully I will come across something that will inspire me.

I am going top research more illustrators, artists and logo designers but to initially begin with I am going to look at artists that create fonts and different types of logos for different companies. I will also be looking at group work, as that will show a large variety of ideas from a team on a single subject. I will study the work of Lambie-Nairn as their group work is used in a large amount of applications and so I can apply this style of work to different areas within the project. I am also going to look at the work of Tim Marrs who uses bold colours to make images stand out, I like this effect and so will use it towards my Music Store colour scheme and logo.

I also like the work of the Velvet Creative as it is very simple but stands out boldly. I want my logo to take on some aspects if this style being both bold and imaginative but also simple and creative.

I’m going to use a range of techniques in my development to create a specific logo and show lots of skill development. My main focus will be digital work as that is easier to use and I will be able to undo any mistakes, however I will also do some practical work for effects unobtainable via digital software.  

I want my final project to be well made and developed with a professional look and quality to all packaging and visual work. 

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