Friday 22 June 2012

Mind Maps Ideas

(Click Images for Enlargement) 

The image below shows the group mind-map development we worked on. I worked on telling a story and although it wasn't recorded, I thought of how music portrays a narrative through lyrics and sometimes just through instruments.

This Image (below) was my initial mind map that allowed me to focus on a subject/project that i can easily relate to. I also included inspiring artists and graphic designers. 

This image below was what I was originally planning on doing, redesigning band images, logos and album artwork. However I then had the idea of designing a music store.
This final Image (below) was my final mind map that expanded the music store idea. It allowed me to gain some initial ideas expanding from my mind map above. I wanted the name to relate to some kind of musical related term. 
I am currently unsure of what symbols and how to layout the logo however I plan on making a logo along with packaging for musically brought accessories and a website for customers to purchase items and instruments online. 

Friday 15 June 2012

AS Unit 2 Inspirations

A2 Graphics

A2 Graphics

Review of AS work

My AS projects were all very enjoyable, however I mostly enjoyed Unit 2 as it allowed me to broaden my ideas and experiment through with lots of different logos, images and text. My first unit (Unit 1) I thought was a very experimental project(s) to allow me to show off a larger range of styles.

I consider Unit 2 to be my most successful unit as it allowed me to show off many different styles and include them in my work, Unit 1 simply felt like it was teaching me how to do this styles and it built my work allowing it to be finally of better quality.

Now that I look back, I do think I could have tried a lot harder in Unit 1 to get all of my work finished on time and to a better quality, I did this because I didn’t want to push my limits and find out that I couldn’t do something, I preferred to stay in my comfort zone rather than experiment however, towards the end of the course/ the beginning of Unit 2 I began to gain faith in myself.

I think my AO2 was my best assessment objective as it allowed me to show lots of development and experiment with different styles.

I think I used digital work very well and practical work of a similar level however I need to be able to balance the two so that I have more styles to show off.

I think my research and development were the best aspects to my projects. I will however need to improve on my explanation of work. I will begin to show off slight image changes to see if the overall image looks different so that I can have a larger range of images to choose from.

I enjoyed a lot of classical art and simple illustrators to inspire me. Artists such as Van Gogh inspired me with the strong use of colours and empowering contrasts. Adrian Bradbury’s work was also very inspirational for my Unit 2 work as it could be associated with war.

I am considering studying illustration at Edinburgh University. I am also looking into art/film styles at Bournemouth University. I am still unsure of what I would like to defiantly do, however I have a nice idea of what I want to do. 

AS Unit 2 Inspirations